How to create a website and make money – A Behind the scenes 1st glance, from a Full-Time RVers P.O.V.

Affiliate Disclosure: I earn commissions if you shop through the links below at no additional cost to you.


Last Updated on January 29, 2024 by Jeremy


If you’re here, it means you’re on a journey to discover how to create a website and make money while embracing the full-time RVing lifestyle.

Welcome aboard! This article is going to take you behind the scenes of this unique journey, and yes, we’re doing it all from the cozy confines of my travel trailer.

But first, let’s brew some coffee, or in my case, some aromatic herbal tea (I’ve recently fallen in love with Dandelion Root tea). After all, the best ideas often come with a cup of something warm in hand.

Now that I’m comfortably seated with my tea, it’s time to share the blueprint for building a money-making website. Picture it with me:

How to create a website and make money - The basic format!

Choose an Interest

As I sit at my kitchen table, which serves as my trusty workstation within our cozy travel trailer, the first step on this exciting journey is to choose your niche.

I’ve already selected mine – Everything RVs and More, and I’ve focused on this niche because it’s what I’m passionate about.

Now, what’s a niche, you ask? According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, a niche is “a place, employment, status, or activity for which a person or thing is best fitted.” In simple terms, it’s something you’re comfortable with or know a lot about.

Imagine your niche is gardening. Your goal will be to create a wealth of content related to gardening, covering everything from growing the perfect roses to maintaining a bountiful vegetable garden.

This not only allows you to share your knowledge and passion but also paves the way for your website to become a profitable business.

If you’re already involved in gardening, it’s like adding a layer of gold to your chosen niche, increasing your potential earnings from your website.

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of website building, let’s take a brief breakfast break. Well, you don’t have to eat now, but I certainly will…

Niche Finder Tool

Build a Website

Now, with breakfast savored and my daily stretches done, it’s time to delve into website creation. But where do you start? Don’t worry; I’ll guide you through it.

Living life on the road in a travel trailer often means working with limited resources. I don’t have a fancy office chair, and sometimes, my Wi-Fi connection is a bit temperamental. But that doesn’t stop me. If you have a laptop and a reliable travel Wi-Fi hotspot, you’re in great shape.

Believe it or not, it takes just 30 seconds to build a website, and you can do it with WordPress, one of the most popular website building platforms. You can experience this for yourself:

Create a Website and make money - Build your website in 30 seconds

To build a website using the platform I rely on, sign up for a FREE account through Wealthy Affiliate. Trust me; this is where the magic happens.

If you’re curious about why I chose this platform, read my Wealthy Affiliate Honest Review for an inside look.

Get Rankings and Visitors

Now that you’re set up and ready to roll, it’s all about content creation to get those rankings and attract visitors to your site.

In my limited space, I predominantly write about content and articles related to my RV lifestyle. My goal is to raise awareness among fellow full-time RVers who aspire to make a living while embracing this adventurous way of life.

If your niche were gardening, as we discussed earlier, your content should revolve around all things gardening, and your aim is to get it ranked on Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Keep in mind that as a website builder, you’ve essentially created an online storefront. You want your visitors to transform into loyal customers.

Consider these customer insights:

  • – Customers often don’t make a purchase on their first visit to a website.
  • – It typically takes around seven interactions (these could be website visits, email newsletter subscriptions, etc.) before they make an online purchase.
  • – Trust is essential; customers are more likely to buy from people they trust.
  • – They are investing money in something that improves their current situation.
  • – Customers have access to more product information and reviews than ever before.
  • – Most customers can spot scammy promotions from a mile away and are turned off by them.

Now, let me give you a behind-the-scenes look at how I’m creating this very article, with the hope that it leads you to the fourth and final step – Earning Revenue.

Earn Revenue

This is the exciting part! With your creative hat on, you’re all set to build a profitable business through your website.

Your revenue generation will revolve around the website you’ve created and the articles you’ll post regularly.

As you may know, once your content is ranked on the top three search engines, you’ll start attracting traffic, and these visitors can potentially become loyal customers. ?

To begin earning revenue from your website, consider offering physical products related to your niche, such as gardening tools, or linking to affiliate partner products like the Garden Tower Project, which can help boost your sales.

Here’s a fascinating fact: there are over 550 MILLION products and services you can promote as an affiliate marketer. The opportunity is vast and continually growing.

If you’re curious about affiliate programs, partners, and networks, I’d like to offer you a behind-the-scenes look at a training module video I watched.

It can help you better understand this exciting realm:

Understanding Affiliate Programs and Networks

Results and Conclusion

Before we wrap up, I must admit that I sneaked out for a bit of snow shoveling!


No, this isn’t my exact view, but it’s pretty close.

From the four simple tasks we’ve discussed, you now have the tools to create a website that generates income.

Think of it as building the foundation of your very own skyscraper. Now that this foundation is in place, it’s only a matter of time before you see the results. ?

Without a website and without traffic, the money-making part simply doesn’t happen.

I hope I’ve managed to make the process clear and accessible to you. Remember, it’s not a race to wealth overnight; it’s a journey towards a sustainable income.

So, keep at it, and remember, even from the cozy confines of my travel trailer or wherever you may be, you can do this!

Feel free to share your thoughts, ask questions, or take the first step as a FUTURE WEBSITE BUILDER for FREE right now!


By Jeremy

2 thoughts on “How to create a website and make money – A Behind the scenes 1st glance, from a Full-Time RVers P.O.V.”
  1. Great post. It’s precise and very well explained even for people who aren’t already in the this business.

    I agree with you : everyone can do it. However, it’s hard work, so you have to be willing to put in the hours and not expect overnight results : that doesn’t happen. Even if you’re using the best methods and all.

    But if you are willing to give it a chance (I would recommend a year), give it your all and work smart, I agree with you and everyone can thrive.

    1. This is also very true. It takes dedication and determination as well. 

      I always view it is, “Rome wasn’t built in a day”…Like everything in life, yes, even this will take time, but building a website is super easy, it’s the profit earning that comes in time afterwards that is the rewarding part. 

      “Patience is virtue”!

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